How Does Hiking Change Your Soul?

White Mountains Presidential Range

Me, Myself, and Nature For those of you that want to stand in front of the mirror naked, admiring your body, hiking, walking, and running—these can get you there. I lost a lot of weight and got nice new ripped legs. Read about my physical transformation here: How Does Hiking Change Your Body? Some of […]

How Does Hiking Change Your Body?

Why are you here? Hopefully you read my first post and were so entertained by my wit that you have been waiting breathlessly for my next post, if not take a few minutes to read it Here. If this describes you in any way, then you should seek professional help, I’m not the writer in […]

A Year of Rediscovery

First 5 are the Hardest This isn’t an actual saying, but it sounds like the folksy wisdom one gets from a weathered old-timer rocking the day away on a moss-covered porch, so I’m stealing it. I measure my journey back into the woods in years, not miles. Mike Darcy I don’t know who is reading […]

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